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Mobile Media

Thinking Anthropologically about Media: The Media Technology Is Part of the Message

Have you ever thought about what media technology really is? Sure, we know all about cell phones, what you can use them for and how to operate them. The same may be true for TV sets, computers, cameras and other gadgets. They’re just things, stuff that we use. They mostly do what we want them to do and so we forget that they’re even there. Unless they cause you a problem or malfunction. Then we get angry and maybe shout at them. 

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  • by Biblica

The Choice is Yours

Reach4Life is a comprehensive, Christian life skills program for young people — with a particular focus on identity, sexuality, and relationships — that brings about holistic spiritual and behavioural transformation. It is based on the idea that real comprehensive behavioral change is only possible once there is a spiritual revolution in the hearts and minds of young people.

Reach4Life is designed to inspire youth to plug into a relationship with God, the raw power of the Bible, the wisdom of saving lovemaking for marriage, the support of a local church, the beauty of a transformed life, and the opportunity to change the world one person at a time.

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Using Wi-Fi boxes at large events.

Digital Distribution Strategy for Bible Dedication Celebrations
A Step-By-Step guide for using Wi-Fi media boxes at your event
Author: Martin Lange (2020)

“While stacks of the newly published Scriptures awaited eager buyers, those embracing the digital age were not forgotten. Five Wi-Fi hubs had been set up at various locations around the stadium. A large vinyl banner promoted the availability of a free Bible app and other Scripture resources for those who connected to these units.”

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Using Your Wi-Fi Media Box

28 ideas for digital distribution
Author: Martin Lange (2020)

For years, Missionary Aviation Fellowship’s pilots carried a box on planes containing Bibles and Christian literature. When they landed, these resources would be offered for sale. Eventually, due to the popularity of smartphones and the weight of books, they switched to carrying less printed resources. Instead, a Wi-Fi Media Box was often substituted. It weighed almost nothing and could hold more resources than a physical box.

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Free software every disciple maker should know about

  • by JS

Connecting for discipleship.

In August of 2016, someone put me in touch with Fatima for the first time. I got her phone number and a few days later we sat down in a coffee shop together. Fatima described herself as open minded. I shared the Gospel with her, gave her a New Testament, and we fruitfully discussed what it means to follow Jesus. A decade earlier, Fatima watched a series on TV about the life of the Messiah and found Him compelling. In the weeks that passed I periodically sent her an SMS but she got busy and stopped responding. Fatima remained one of dozens of contacts in my phone with a similar story… a seemingly one-and-done Gospel conversation.

Read More »Free software every disciple maker should know about

YouVersion scripture in over 1660 languages

Scripture in 1660 languages on YouVersion: tell someone!

Six months ago YouVersion hit a milestone of scripture in 1500 languages via and the YouVersion apps for Android, iOS, Amazon Echo. Since then they have added over 200 versions in over 160 languages.

The answer to “And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”, isn’t that they can Google.

Romans 10:15 doesn’t say, ““How beautiful are the phones of those who bring good news!”

Technology is a huge asset but for most people engagement with scripture still involves someone telling them about it. Who will you tell?Read More »Scripture in 1660 languages on YouVersion: tell someone!

Are you planning for your Media Ministry in 2021?

The Digital World Atlas is a site Mobile Ministry Forum is developing to provide a “one-stop-shop” for all your country-specific information needs! The current problem is that neither site will give you everything you might want to learn as a media ministry practitioner. That’s where our latest project comes in – the Media Ministry Background Data Research Tool. One item you won’t find in either of the first two sources (but coming soon from the Atlas) is the “religiosity” of a country’s people. Find data on that in the Data Research Tool’s Demographics.

  • It might be helpful to know the top phones people are using in your country.
  • You can find the top Android phones by country in the Mobile section.
  • How affordable is the Internet and how censored is it in your nation? We’ve got you covered in the Internet section.
  • What are people in your country searching for the most?? We’ve got a link to that in Search.
  • Who are the top TikTok influencers in your country? You will find a link in Social Media.
  • You’ll find this information and so much more in this tool, but you won’t find any of them in the Atlas or DataReportal slides.

Read More »Are you planning for your Media Ministry in 2021?

Mobiles, Media, and Ministry: Lessons for Trainers and Learners

The Mobiles, Media & Ministry: Lessons for Learners & Trainers curriculum contains 41 lessons, 360 pages of trainer guide materials, 70 pages of student handouts, and over 1,000 presenter slides.

The lessons are divided into four topic areas:

  1. Foundations of Media MinistryPrinciples and practices for developing media materials and strategy that lead to follow-up and discipleship.
  2. Mobile MinistryThe mobile phone is the device through which most media ministry efforts will be experiencedThese lessons teach the capabilities and limitations mobile technology provides and how to adapt your media ministry efforts.
  3. Social MediaThese lessons teach you to connect with the lost via social media so you expand your reach among almost any people you want to reach.
  4. Do-it-Yourself Media: These lessons teach anyone to create authentic, contextually-relevant media that can reach thousands.

Read More »Mobiles, Media, and Ministry: Lessons for Trainers and Learners