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May 2021

Audio in Missions Part 1 & 2 (EMDC Podcast Episode #5 & #6)

Audio in Missions Part 1

For our fifth episode recorded on November 17th 2020, audio & radio experts Chris Singh with WEC in the U.K. and Pierre-Yves Mutrux with Galcom International based in Canada share about the impact that audio ministries in various forms are still having today.

Audio in Missions Part 2

For our sixth episode recorded on November 17th 2020, audio & radio experts Chris Singh with WEC in the U.K. and Pierre-Yves Mutrux with Galcom International based in Canada share about the impact that audio ministries in various forms are still having today.

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YouVersion scripture in over 1660 languages

Scripture in 1660 languages on YouVersion: tell someone!

Six months ago YouVersion hit a milestone of scripture in 1500 languages via and the YouVersion apps for Android, iOS, Amazon Echo. Since then they have added over 200 versions in over 160 languages.

The answer to “And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”, isn’t that they can Google.

Romans 10:15 doesn’t say, ““How beautiful are the phones of those who bring good news!”

Technology is a huge asset but for most people engagement with scripture still involves someone telling them about it. Who will you tell?Read More »Scripture in 1660 languages on YouVersion: tell someone!

Faith-Based Short Films in Taiwan

In Taiwan, there are many creative Christians who are using media and the arts to impact their generation with the Gospel. In this article (originally posted on, I feature three Christian YouTube filmmakers using different approaches to sharing their faith, in both English and Chinese.

Although our office is in Taiwan, our focus on creating media has not been for the Taiwanese people alone, but for people groups all over the world. The church here is mature and growing, with many congregations in Chinese, Taiwanese and other languages.

The government of Taiwan has plans in place to become a bilingual nation by the year 2030. In school, students are taught both English and Chinese and depending on the interest of the student, many have the ability to enjoy watching films in either language with subtitles.

Read More »Faith-Based Short Films in Taiwan

Google Nanolearning

Nanolearning: What can you learn in less than a minute?

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” *
2Tim 3:16-17

*Actual lengths of passages may vary.

You can often say a lot in just a few words. For other things more context, detail and explanation is required.

Read More »Nanolearning: What can you learn in less than a minute?