How is Scripture Engagement different from Bible Study

The Choice is Yours
Reach4Life is a comprehensive, Christian life skills program for young people — with a particular focus on identity, sexuality, and relationships — that brings about holistic spiritual and behavioural transformation. It is based on the idea that real comprehensive behavioral change is only possible once there is a spiritual revolution in the hearts and minds of young people.
Reach4Life is designed to inspire youth to plug into a relationship with God, the raw power of the Bible, the wisdom of saving lovemaking for marriage, the support of a local church, the beauty of a transformed life, and the opportunity to change the world one person at a time.
Scripture Engagement: Planning for the Journey
It’s not enough to translate the Bible. It’s not even enough to distribute the Bible. Our desire is to see real Scripture Engagement: people encountering God’s Word in life-changing ways. A three part series (3 sets of 10 one hour sessions) centred on Wayne Dye’s Eight Conditions for Scripture Engagement (below) will be hosted on early in 2022. These conditions are the ones at the heart of the and Scripture Engagement courses taught at university.
Each one hour class will have 20 minutes of discussion. Update: Classes are now finished but stay connected for news of when this runs again!
At the end of the third session the leader shared a short video about a ministry of Crescent Project called Embassy. Embassy connects Christians with Muslims who speak their language online. This intrigued Tom and so he decided to give it a try. Tom applied and then quickly set to work with the onboarding process and then, with the guidance of the Embassy team and the encouragement of other volunteers, he began working to make new friends on secular websites where Muslims who speak English hang out.