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Culture Learning

“The Cross-Cultural Mentoring Workshop gave freedom to be me, while the society plays with other rules.”

  • by Dseq

Cross-Cultural Mentoring Workshop at EMDC 2024 Thailand

My attending the Cross-Cultural Mentoring Workshop was the highlight for my leadership training this year. This is something that I have been waiting for to attend for a year. In 2023, I attended a session of Dr. Sunny Hong at EMDC Thailand. This was the first time I got a chance to hear her deep knowledge about the diaspora and refugees.Read More »“The Cross-Cultural Mentoring Workshop gave freedom to be me, while the society plays with other rules.”

The Power of Lament

Lament is loving our neighbors with our tears. 

~Lamma Mansour~ 

Lament as an Offering

As I sat quietly listening to Filipe’s heartbreaking story of the brutal attack that left him paralyzed from the neck down, tears streamed down my cheeks.  The video crew, along with Filipe and his wife, passed around a single role of toilet paper as we each tore a piece to blot away tears.  Our small crew borrowed an office on the outskirts of Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Malawi to record powerful stories of transformation and healing from trauma that many in the camp had been experiencing.

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My Meatpacking Home

In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it.” (Isaiah 2:2)

Hometown Diversity

“Miss, I forgot my house key. And my sister won’t be home from work until after midnight.” We scrambled to figure out a plan to get this Somali teen home safely from tutoring. My husband, Steve, decided to swing by the meatpacking plant on his way to taking kids home, to see if our young friend could acquire a house key from her sister on her work break. 

Steve and three teens from three distinct ethnolinguistic groups sat together in the parking lot of our local meatpacking plant and waited. Each of those kids had a family member in the plant. Their families had relocated to Greeley, Colorado because the meatpacking plant would offer them employment–ASAP. They didn’t need to speak English or be literate to start supporting their families as they resettled after various long and difficult refugee journeys.

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