IMS Media Training & certification
IMS (SIL International Media Services) offers you a selection of core and specialized training modules to choose from, allowing you to be better equipped for the specific ministry context you are in.
If you are wanting to be certified as a Media Specialist, our obligatory four core modules are: Audio Production, Video Production, The role of media in ministry & holistic development, and Facilitating media. In addition to this, we offer a range of additional specialized courses for those seeking to become Media Consultants such as Dubbing biblical films, Using social media effectively, App building or Participatory radio drama.
Our training helps you…
- Develop local media content which creates dialogue with and draws on people’s lives & testimonies to help communities see the relevance and hope found in the Scriptures.
- Become familiar with easy to use and sustainable media formats geared towards local participation and ownership for an increased impact of language development and SE efforts.
- Create media content which is free of external quality control mechanisms and software development in order to make use of social media networks but also traditional media such as radio & TV, engaging audiences in accordance with local media habits.
Most courses also exist in French!
Please contact ‘’ with your questions or to set up a meeting.