Getting started in Bible storytelling has never been easier with access to online training called Bible StoryFire. On Story Café (4/23/24) we learned from Regina Manley, the producer of the series how Bible StoryFire is a great resource for beginner storytellers to skilled storyteller discussion leaders alike. This series includes 26 audio lessons and four video models.
The novice will benefit by listening then practicing from each of the six sections. Experienced practitioners can pick and choose what interests them most. Section One, an overview, covers principles of how storytelling and discussion impacts adult learners through multiple modalities. Section Two contains four video models; each model is designed to accomplish specific goals with a different audience. Section Three covers choosing a story and keys to learning it quickly. Sections Four and Five are about presenting and reviewing the Bible story. The longest section, Six, covers the many facets of facilitating discussion.
For those that would like to lead a group to learn Bible storytelling and discussion, the StoryFire Leaders Guide provides a step-by-step outline for teaching each model, extra instructional information, and an appendix with lists of over 500 Bible stories.