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January 2024

Culture Meets Scripture

Culture Meets Scripture – Eight week course

  • by Peter B

  • How can we live in a way that honours God while still respecting our culture?
  • How do we use Scripture to evaluate cultural practices and discern what to do?
  • When cultural practices and values clash with obedience to God, what do we do?
  • When pressures from family/community require us to behave in ways that do not align with Scripture or participate in certain ceremonies we feel uncomfortable with, what choices do we make?
  • How can we make choices that align with Scripture—especially when the costs are great and when cultural beliefs are powerfully ingrained? Can we do this while still being culturally relevant?

Starting in February 2024, the 8-week Culture meets Scripture training programme aims to equip participants with a way of thinking and a tool for digging deeper into cultural practices and ways of living, aligning them with Scripture so that we can make choices that honour God.

The online interactions will happen via the EMDC platform  – to register for the class please sign up via EMDC here.

Read More »Culture Meets Scripture – Eight week course

Making a scripture video in your own language may be easier than you think

This article will introduce you to the things you need to think about before you start. It will also provide you with links to people and organisations who can help you in different ways.

First thing to think about:

Should we make our own video or should we use a video that someone else has made?

Before you start to answer these questions, make sure you can involve as many people from the community as possible. This article by Michelle Petersen should help.

This is true for all decisions you all will make, not just video.

It is actually not as difficult as you might think to make your own video. Think about your young people. Are they filming themselves doing something clever and sending it to their friends? Quite probably. Are they experts in video? Probably not.

Read More »Making a scripture video in your own language may be easier than you think