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8 Conditions for Scripture Engagement

Eight Conditions for Engagement with Digital Scriptures

  • by Peter B

Since Wayne Dye’s “Eight conditions for scripture engagement” article was first published in 2009 over 2,500 Bibles, New Testaments, and Scripture portions have been made available online, in print, audio and video forms.

Digital publishing brings huge opportunities for access, and for not only getting a message out, but in many contexts for creating dialogue and community.

But, publishing alone does not guarantee that Scriptures will be accessed and engaged with. Here is a brief reworking of the eight conditions with a focus on digital products and strategies:

Read More »Eight Conditions for Engagement with Digital Scriptures – The Scripture Engagement Guide – The Scripture Engagement Guide

The Scripture Engagement Guide (SE Guide for short) is designed to help you understand your situation and decide how to encourage your people to use the Bible. It is a web-based tool for local communities to explore a variety of topics to consider their needs, then find the resources to help them get there. It empowers communities to make informed and sustainable decisions for their future. This is more about the process than the products that may be created or used along the way. We believe that working through the journey with others will benefit your community by helping you understand your situation better. Then, you will be able to choose wisely from the many scripture engagement resources on this site or design your own special SE activities. Your answers to the questions in the Journey and the list of resources here can be used again and again to find new ways to hear or read the Bible.

Read More » – The Scripture Engagement Guide