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Media Strategies 4 Decision Makers Online Course

You will…

  • Get an overview of key media ministry approaches, content, and platforms (radio, TV, social media, podcasting, etc.), allowing you to make informed decisions about priorities for your context.
  • Understand key factors that influence media behaviour and behavioural change.
  • Learn to facilitate a participatory media assessment, planning and strategy development process with your team.
  • Grapple with ownership and funding issues that affect the sustainability of media in language development programs and
    Scripture engagement.

2h 30min once per week

Nov 7th to Dec 5th 2024 8pm GMT+2

Registration & Info: Andreas Ernst

You can also sign up as a team!

Cost: $50 fee

Time: Weekly sessions will start at 8pm GMT+2

Taught by: Dr. Johannes Merz, Stephen Coats Jo Clifford Andreas Ernst

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