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Choosing Relevant Scriptures

Different people, in different circumstances, will be able to identify more with certain characters and passages of the Bible than others. In this article, Rick Brown suggests that the first portions of Scripture to be translated should be chosen according to their relevance, appeal and challenge to the expected audience. He outlines different audiences (women, pastoral people, traditional settled people, and people residing in the 10/40 window) and appropriate Scriptures for them, and lists some biblical themes that challenge the worldview of many audiences today.

Crossing worldview bridges

It is important to give the audience time to become comfortable with the Word and to be convinced, through the witness of the Holy Spirit, that God is speaking to them through it. To this end it is helpful to begin with portions that seem relevant and interesting to them. It also helps to begin with portions that share cultural similarities with the audience, as this makes them comfortable with the story and helps them identify with its characters.
For example, nomadic peoples find it easy to identify with the stories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob because of their pastoral culture and simple religion. Traditional settled people identify well with the tribe- and clan-based social structure, the agricultural festivals, concerns about honor, purification, blessings, curses, and the importance of having heirs. Household servants and members of large families can identify with Joseph and the sibling rivalry that he faced.
Women can identify with the problems of Sarah, Naomi, Ruth, and Hannah. Many monotheistic people groups in the 10/40 Window identify with Abraham’s devotion to God, with the strict monotheism of Moses, and with the establishment of rule by law. They are also familiar with the names of many of the heroes of the Bible and are interested in knowing more about them. These points of common affirmation are sometimes called “bridges” because they facilitate cross-cultural communication. It is usually wise to select portions that have many bridges and few barriers as the first portions to be translated and distributed.

Emphasizing door openers

Another kind of bridge involves differences that appeal to the audience. These may be called “door openers” because they appeal to people and encourage them to open their minds and hearts to hear the message. In some places, for example, readers and listeners have been
impressed that Joseph forgave his brothers; this is a new value to people who emphasize honor through vengeance. They are also impressed that God was working in Joseph’s life to bring good out of the bad things his brothers did. This is a new concept of God for some people, because they have not viewed God as managing events for the ultimate good of his people and for the building of faith and righteousness in their lives. Yet this appeals to them and opens the door for them to hear more of the Word. Some people, having heard only the story of Joseph, have begun reading the whole Bible in an available language, or have approached Christian believers, asking them to tell them more about finding forgiveness from God.
To give another example, some newcomers to the Bible have been shocked at the personal interest God takes in Abraham and the friendly relationship he has with him in spite of Abraham’s faults; yet this appeals to them and gives them hope that perhaps God really does take an interest in them. Women are surprised that Ruth and Rahab were able to decide for themselves what their religion would be; this gives them freedom and dignity. These door openers draw people to the Word as a source of light and good news.
It is wise for the sponsors of a new translation project to identify biblical stories that both challenge and attract their audience, and to select some of them for early translation and distribution. While it is true that God uses any number of ways and means to attract people to His Word and draw them to Himself, we should give specific attention to certain themes and portions of the Bible that are particularly appealing door openers to some audiences:

Many of these biblical themes challenge the current worldviews of many audiences, but they also present them with fresh hope and understanding. So it could be wise, early in the program, to translate and distribute portions that present appealing themes.

© FOBAI 2009. This article is a revision of: Brown, Rick. 2004. “Choosing Relevant Scriptures.” Scripture in Use Today 8:7-9. Excerpt taken from “Selecting and Using Scripture Portions Effectively in Frontier Missions.” International Journal of Frontier Missions 18(4):10-25.
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