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Bible Storytelling Cafe.

Join us at the Storytelling Café at EMDC Online!  

I recently went to the massage therapist because my neck was hurting and all I had on my mind was to have someone minister to me. The young lady was new, and it was only her second time with me. Apparently, something I said to her in our last session prompted her to ask me a question, “So, why do tell people about the Bible? Are you helping people that are hurting like refugees or something?”

I told her that the Bible tells us how we can have hope, and I began to tell her the Bible story of the Widow’s Oil. I shared how the story gave hope to a leader I trained in South Asia. I told her that when I shared it with a group of women that were just released from prison one realized from listening to the story that it was important for her to seek help from her leaders.

We spent the entire hour answering her questions with story examples from my life and the Bible. She said, “I am going to go home and read my Bible! I am going to look up my confirmation verse in Revelation!”

My neck felt so much better, but more so my heart was full! This is why I love learning and telling Bible stories. I have discovered that conversations come so naturally. The person is unaware that I have just discipled them with the truth. Through stories I encouraged her to take the opportunity to draw into the presence of God through His Word, and she was anxious to go home and check it out! When we take the time to give from the overflow of what He has given us others will be drawn in.

This is why the Bible Storytelling Café exists. We want to work in community with those who are like-minded. Yes, we may have our preference in how we tell Bible stories, but we can celebrate as we listen and grow while how others do it.  Their approach may or may not work in our context, but we are richer because we came together, shared, and allowed God’s word to minister to us through each other.

We want everyone to feel welcomed. We need to hear your story! We need to hear HIS story through you! We need you! I hope you will contact me and let me know that you want to share how God is using you in His context telling His Word.

Be in the Word! Be with Jesus! Be Transformed!

Shalom, to all!

Tara Rye

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