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Priorities of product development

What are the key topics to consider in planning and developing a new Christian product for discipleship, evangelism, education,  or other kind of engagement? What are the questions we should be asking ourselves as we consider ?

An initial thought about three P’s of product, protection, and promotion quickly expanded. Alliteration may have got the better of me or provided a framework for some valid thinking. Other p’s could be partnership, professionalism, pride (the good and bad kinds) , patience, perseverance, perspiration (effort and hard work), perspicacity (deep insight and discernment) , politeness (cultural sensitivity), pushiness, possessiveness (releasing organisational hold and letting community emotionally own products and process).


There are plenty of other possibilities for inclusion on this list, and not everything has to start with the same letter. Some will be covered at a deeper level in other posts on the EMDC blog and via online seminars and training.

What would you add? 

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