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Mission Media U Relaunching 2 Fall Courses!


Clyde Taber and the Mission Media U team are offering new, live Fall MMU courses. We paused MMU for 1 ½ years, but are relaunching next month. We would love for you to join one or both of the groups. In addition, would you send this information to three people (mission practitioners, pastors, leaders) you think would benefit from our upcoming five-week learning groups? 

These are the courses we are offering:

Biblical Languages Bootcamp: Greek. September 18 – October 16, 2024. Begin to read the New Testament in Greek with no prior knowledge! In five weeks, you will read and understand 1 John chapter 1. Clyde will teach this course. September 4 is the early registration deadline.

Foundations of Digital Engagement Strategies. September 26 – October 24, 2024. Learn how media can accelerate disciple-making where you live. You will learn how varied tactics and digital models can be used to advance your strategy tailored to your context. September 12 is the early registration deadline.

In addition to other discounts, a 25% discount is available for those who register for both courses together.

We will give a $25 cash referral fee (only available through PayPal, Venmo & Western Union) or a $25 transferable tuition credit toward a future course each time a student says you referred them when they register for a course.

We are looking forward to seeing you in the class!

Mission Media U

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