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July 2024

Thinking Anthropologically about Media: Finding Relevant Media

Let’s use media! They’re quick to make, easy to distribute and use, attract large crowds, and communicate efficiently. They’re simply awesome! But do media really work like this? How do you figure out which are the most relevant, appropriate, and effective media to use? You may be tempted to begin with what you like yourself or what you can fund. The quicker you get these media out there, the better it is, right? Alternatively, you could take it more gently and start by thinking anthropologically.Read More »Thinking Anthropologically about Media: Finding Relevant Media

Don’t forget the women and children

For several years, Paulette helped lead a women’s conference, where most of the women didn’t speak French. ‘They were ashamed because they thought they had to speak about the Bible in French,” she says.

“We want to join in, but we don’t know how,” they told her.

Paulette explained that they could study the Bible in Contemporary Wolof, and share it with others in their own language too. Each day she gave them a verse to memorise in the Wolof language.

“That’s why this oral translation will help them,” she says. ‘They will be able to listen and know that they can grow in their faith. There shouldn’t be barriers to knowing God. Each person should be free to wake up each day and know: there is a God who is Lord over everything, and I can talk to him.”


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Davar Audio Bibles – deploying God’s Word to accomplish what He desires

  • by Davar

Davar believes that all people should have the opportunity to know the God who made them and that the truths of the Bible are not bound to the reader or ink on paper. Isaiah 55:11 says, “so is my Word that goes from my mouth; it will not return empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

So, how does Davar encourage deployment of His word to accomplish what He desires?

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