Adama’s Dream is a movie about a young Themne woman facing terrible troubles in her village in Sierra Leone. Can spirits, witch doctors, juju, charms or prayer help her fight off evil? Can God save her daughter from death? Can fear stop her from following her dreams for a better life? The movie was premiered on Sunday the 21st of February at 6:30 pm EST.
You can watch the movie below :

The film will be distributed via bluetooth on mobile phones throughout Sierra Leone and some dedicated evangelists are already sharing the movie in screenings from village to village. The film’s evangelistic message is supported by a new website: where viewers can go for more information about Jesus. This website features links to the films in all three languages, with English subtitles, trailers for each version, and the Jesus Film. Additionally, the film features an animated segment about Lazarus that is also available for download in all three languages. Our hope is to reach the country from North to South and East to West with a positive message of Jesus conquering fear and providing hope.
A local pastor in Sierra Leone writes “We would like to thank the Create International Mobile team and all those who have contributed to this great movie globally. Thank you. We pray that this work will go to many places and touch the hearts of many to the glory of Yahweh.” We want to see this movie be like a holy wild fire that spreads all over the country lighting it up with the Gospel. Please continue to pray that this movie is distributed widely, winning the hearts of many Sierra Leonians.
This film was made as part of Frontier Filmmaking Seminar, a six-week YWAM seminar designed to provide students with the experience of learning on an actual cross-cultural film set. The Frontier Filmmaking Seminar was first offered at Create International Thailand in 2013. Since then the seminar was offered two or three times a year in seven different countries for a total of twelve seminars. In every seminar, the team have produced a unique gospel movie for an unreached people group. The new online version of the program will go live on the 1st of March. You can get more information about the program at Please pray that this endeavor successfully empowers a new generation of media missionaries to make their own gospel movies for the unreached.
This was an extraordinary video. Exceptional quality. More of these please!