Mobile Media
Digital Bible Translations in the World’s Available Languages
As God’s Word becomes available in languages around the world through Bible translation, Scripture is added to digital Bible resources. You can access these Bibles online or download the apps for Android or iOS.
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The Bible Explained
When Google launched Chrome they created a comic book to explain Google Chrome. After the U.S. government spent millions of dollars compiling the 9/11 Commission Report they had a problem – no one was reading the voluminous text. That is, until it came out as a graphic novel and catapulted to best-seller lists and the front of USA Today. Comics, it turns out, can be the language of choice to explain stories of significance.
Below and countless other letters and e-mails we receive attest to the fact that people need to understand the Bible. That is why the Comic Bible Society focuses on serializing and explain in a systematic, chronological and visual manner the whole testimony of the Scripture.
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Which Audio Player

Fourth Edition – Revised for 2019
It is not hard to convince those involved in Scripture access and Scripture engagement of the value of listening to audio Scriptures. We want to assist communities in making strategic choices about how best to make them available and how best to encourage people to engage with them. One of the ways people listen to the Bible today is using a digital audio player. But since there are so many different audio players to choose from, how do we make a good choice?
This in-depth review (66 pages) compares a range of today’s digital audio players including the Proclaimer (from Faith Comes By Hearing), the Envoy 2 (from MegaVoice), the Audibible K1 (from Kivah Distributors), the Papyrus and The Torch (from Renew World Outreach), the Kulumi Mini and Lost Sheep from Hope Tech Global.
Using Wi-Fi boxes at large events.

“While stacks of the newly published Scriptures awaited eager buyers, those embracing the digital age were not forgotten. Five Wi-Fi hubs had been set up at various locations around the stadium. A large vinyl banner promoted the availability of a free Bible app and other Scripture resources for those who connected to these units.”
Are you planning for your Media Ministry in 2021?
The Digital World Atlas is a site Mobile Ministry Forum is developing to provide a “one-stop-shop” for all your country-specific information needs! The current problem is that neither site will give you everything you might want to learn as a media ministry practitioner. That’s where our latest project comes in – the Media Ministry Background Data Research Tool. One item you won’t find in either of the first two sources (but coming soon from the Atlas) is the “religiosity” of a country’s people. Find data on that in the Data Research Tool’s Demographics.
- It might be helpful to know the top phones people are using in your country.
- You can find the top Android phones by country in the Mobile section.
- How affordable is the Internet and how censored is it in your nation? We’ve got you covered in the Internet section.
- What are people in your country searching for the most?? We’ve got a link to that in Search.
- Who are the top TikTok influencers in your country? You will find a link in Social Media.
- You’ll find this information and so much more in this tool, but you won’t find any of them in the Atlas or DataReportal slides.
Read More »Are you planning for your Media Ministry in 2021?
Mobiles, Media, and Ministry: Lessons for Trainers and Learners
The Mobiles, Media & Ministry: Lessons for Learners & Trainers curriculum contains 41 lessons, 360 pages of trainer guide materials, 70 pages of student handouts, and over 1,000 presenter slides.
The lessons are divided into four topic areas:
- Foundations of Media Ministry: Principles and practices for developing media materials and strategy that lead to follow-up and discipleship.
- Mobile Ministry: The mobile phone is the device through which most media ministry efforts will be experienced. These lessons teach the capabilities and limitations mobile technology provides and how to adapt your media ministry efforts.
- Social Media: These lessons teach you to connect with the lost via social media so you expand your reach among almost any people you want to reach.
- Do-it-Yourself Media: These lessons teach anyone to create authentic, contextually-relevant media that can reach thousands.
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