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LUMO Gospel Films

Davar Audio Bibles – deploying God’s Word to accomplish what He desires

  • by Davar

Davar believes that all people should have the opportunity to know the God who made them and that the truths of the Bible are not bound to the reader or ink on paper. Isaiah 55:11 says, “so is my Word that goes from my mouth; it will not return empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

So, how does Davar encourage deployment of His word to accomplish what He desires?

Read More »Davar Audio Bibles – deploying God’s Word to accomplish what He desires

LUMO Gospel Films

This is the story of Jesus. This is the story of hope for mankind. 
This is the greatest story ever told.

The Lumo Project is a multi-language biblical film resource engaging us with the life of Jesus through the four New Testament Gospels. It presents four films – one for each Gospel account – where we could experience the story of Jesus and the world of First Century Palestine in which he lived. This full-length feature film about the life of Jesus takes the actual four individual Gospel text as its script, word for word, unedited. Five years in the making, this epic production has been critically acclaimed by leading religious scholars as a unique and highly authentic telling of the Jesus story. Narrated by leading British actor David Harewood (‘Homeland’, ‘Blood Diamond’, ‘Merchant of Venice’) it is based on the latest theological, historical and archaeological research. With specially constructed sets and the extraordinarily authentic villages and countryside of rural Morocco, it immerses the viewer in the world of first century Palestine, and also breaking the stereotypical tradition of a westernised Jesus and his life story and presents it as it really was 2000 years ago. 

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