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Scripture Engagement Guide

The Scripture Engagement Guide (SE Guide for short) is a web-based tool for local communities to explore a variety of topics to consider their needs, then find the resources to help them get there.

We exist so that local communities everywhere are engaging with Scripture in transformative ways.

We empower communities to make informed and sustainable decisions for their future. The journey isn’t ever a perfectly linear process – instead we come alongside communities as they try an idea, evaluate the results, and then take their next steps. This is more about the process than the products that may be created or utilized along the way. The journey through the site can be expressed in four general stages:

    1. Facilitated conversations – Discuss various topics as a group to build a picture of the community’s needs and goals, working towards a better understanding of the…
  1. Community context – Gather the information and build up a community profile to make informed decisions as you look at the big picture. This leads to creating a…
  2. Plan of Action – What will be done to facilitate SE in the community? The community takes action, with the desire of seeing….
  3. End goal – a Transformed Community.

All along the journey there are resources to help: SE Consultants, media products, tools, ideas, training conversations, and other experts which can be found in the Resources section of the site.

The SE Guide began life as the Taste&See tool several years ago, and based on user feedback is in the process of revamping the website and rethinking how best to serve local communities. Recently the project joined the EMDC family and aims to become a central hub for connections and networking between local communities looking for help and the partners and experts who can come alongside. This is an SIL-led initiative in partnership with a wide range of partners who are contributing finances, personnel, and other resources to the project. 

If you would like to learn more about the SE Guide or get involved, take a look at the website or please contact us at 

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