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Davar Audio Bibles – deploying God’s Word to accomplish what He desires

Davar believes that all people should have the opportunity to know the God who made them and that the truths of the Bible are not bound to the reader or ink on paper. Isaiah 55:11 says, “so is my Word that goes from my mouth; it will not return empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

So, how does Davar encourage deployment of His word to accomplish what He desires?

Digital Bible Library

First and foremost, Davar audio bibles are loaded onto the Digital Bible Library (DBL). The DBL is a global repository for scripture translations. There are more than 1800 audio scriptures stored in the DBL including Davar audio. Davar audio is shared openly and freely to DBL members. 

You Version/ and Online Platforms

Davar works closely with our ministry partners at YouVersion and, a site of Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) to make our audio bibles readily available online. These platforms host hundreds of audio bibles making the text and audio accessible to millions of people around the world who have access to the internet and smart phones. See a list of the more than 200 Davar audio bibles on YouVersion here.

Solar Powered Audio Bible Players

Davar partners with distributors of solar-powered audio players, including Kivah, Digital Bible Society, Megavoice and Faith Comes by Hearing in the deployment of our audio bibles through Bible engagement and distribution ministries such as Youth with a Mission (YWAM).

SD Cards and Micro-SD cards

SD cards and micro-SD cards are used globally to store digital files. Many cell phones, popular in India and South Asia, contain slots to insert Micro SD cards turning smart phones into audio bible players. SD card slots are found in some computers allowing the user to insert the SD card and access audio files of God’s Word in their language.

LUMO and Gospel Films 

Davar shares our audio bibles with LUMO and Gospel Films to bring the Word of God alive. The film projects are an engaging way to discover and study the life of Jesus. Breathtaking live action footage, coupled with word-for-word Scripture from the four Gospels, these films paint an authentic portrait of the life of Christ. See a list of current films with Davar audio here. 

To learn more about Davar Audio Bibles, visit us at or use the contact page on our website.

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