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August 2024

Loving The Nations One Neighbor At A Time

Neighbors are people who share space and physical context.  We recognize their faces as they walk by; we swap chit chat and maybe even know them by name.  When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, our neighbors checked in on each other and howled every evening alongside neighborhood pets, just to somehow feel connected through the isolation of quarantine.  It was during that difficult season that I knelt down in prayer with hands opened heavenward and asked God the next step in intentionally loving our neighbors.  

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Bibles and resources – UPDATED

Updated Aug 8, 2024
Do you know where to find Bibles in all the languages spoken by people attending your church (live or online), and the people living in your community?
This is an update of a post from 2021 since when several hundred translations of the Bible have been made available online.  As of Aug 2024 YouVersion’s Bible app (also available at provided 3,184 versions in 2,100 languages. (up from 1500 in 2021!)

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