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November 2020

Who? Why? What? Where? When?

Five W’s to think about when creating content for the web


The EMDC blog is new but we represent a large community of experts and explorers in new technologies and techniques. This post is written for newcomers and experts alike and covers the Five W’s. These are sometimes also referred to as the six W’s (adding “how”) to the list.

In other languages they may start with different letters but the concepts are the same. We need to ask basic questions whether writing a blog post, designing a site, or creating any content.

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Where collaboration meets creativity

  • by S Roberts

They arrive in groups of six to eight, disembarking from small vans with luggage and high hopes. 

These men and women have come from the ends of the earth to attend a yearly meeting of the minds. Anticipation grows as the travelers sign in to the invitation-only event. Here in this secret, sacred space, technology, media and Bible translation converge for three weeks of connection, training, collaboration and ideation. 

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Welcome to EMDC!

Welcome to the EMDC Blog.  We will not say much on this first post except that the EMDC community started in 2010 and has been growing ever since!

We expected 900 people at EMDC 2020, but the virus cancelled that.  With big help from a small team we created and our community has been sharing about all the topics found here.

If you have a blog topic to propose write us at  But for now if you…. have enjoyed attending EMDC, or you are enjoying, the EMDC Podcast, or this blog, please say a quick hello in any of the comment boxes.

Steve Baughman (for the EMDC team).


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